GC Jigidi search

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-------- Number of successfull searches per country (top 17) --------
Germany flagGermany 1351018United States flagUnited States 789346France flagFrance 104185Switzerland flagSwitzerland 86856Finland flagFinland 82241Denmark flagDenmark 66069Netherlands flagNetherlands 55486United Kingdom flagUnited Kingdom 52307
Sweden flagSweden 51676Norway flagNorway 39956Ireland flagIreland 35084Austria flagAustria 31210Australia flagAustralia 30143Belgium flagBelgium 21765Portugal flagPortugal 18724Luxembourg flagLuxembourg 16045Canada flagCanada 14434
Failed flagFailed Searches 794132

Database updated: 2025-03-13 15:45:50(GMT)
Total number of solutions: 251012
# of solutions added in the last 24hrs: 56

Search for another GC-code:

Anonymously enter a solution for a cache that isn't in the database OR if it has updated coordinates

Note that the database is updated manually with up to a week delay (usually 1-2 days). Please also search in the FB group for the GC code before posting a request!
Use quotation marks around the GC code WHEN SEARCHING ON FACEBOOK for a better chance of finding the requested information

Here is the live Google sheet: Jigidi Puzzles